Saturday 8 November 2008

Nod, doff, wink or smile

Photograph: Katharine Mac Daid, 'Walthamstow Marshes, London, August'

I would like to dedicate this opening blog for The Jogger's Nipple to one person. I have no idea what his name is, I've never met him, and I probably never will do. At around 5' 6", 60 - 65 years old, silver haired and a wiry build, he is a runner I see on one of my weekday runs on the canal system up to Walthamstow Marshes.

Yesterday, I went on my first proper run since completing a marathon two weeks ago, and got my creaking knees back into action. About 3/4 of the way through my route I saw the said gentleman, in the distance, making his way along the path in my direction - and I knew immediately what was to come. With my head held high and keeping pace he clocked my approach, made eye contact, and gave me a solid, definitive, nod. I immediately counter-nodded with a quick smile and we continued on our way into the evening rain. It made my run complete.

This simple, knowing acknowledgment from a fellow runner, out and about, clocking up the miles come rain or shine, has come to be my most treasured part of running. So I thank this person, whom I don't know but share a common obsession with, for giving me a grin whilst running through stiff legs and drizzle. Maybe next time I'll try out the old 'double big-thumbs-up'.

So for those that have the chance, flick the thumb up or the forefinger,
'Morning', 'Evening', lift an eyebrow, raise a salute, nod, doff, wink or smile, and if you feel particularly active, try all at once.

Next blog: Snowdonia Marathon 2008, A Weathered Tale